Coin Scanner App

About Us

About Coinscanner App

Coin Scanner App was founded to protect crypto investors in the cryptocurrency market, driven by the firsthand experience of our founder witnessing the devastating consequences of scams. After enduring significant financial losses on different platforms, our founder recognized the critical need for a reliable tool to detect and expose scams. Thus, Coin Scanner App was created as a comprehensive solution, empowering investors to make informed decisions and safely navigate the crypto space. With our dedication and cutting-edge technology, we aim to prevent others from suffering similar financial setbacks. Our commitment lies in creating a transparent and secure crypto environment, where investors can confidently explore opportunities without the fear of falling victim to fraudulent schemes. Download our latest app from Google Play Store & App Store 

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Our Vision

At Coinscanner App, our vision is unwavering – we are dedicated to building a fortified defense against crypto scammers. We aspire to create an ecosystem where cryptocurrency enthusiasts can invest with confidence, free from the fear of scams and fraud.

Our commitment revolves around a multi-pronged approach:

Protection: We aim to safeguard Crypto investor from the dangers posed by crypto scammers, ensuring their investments are secure.

Education: We believe in the power of knowledge. We strive to educate and raise awareness, empowering crypto investor and new users to spot and avoid scams effectively.

Community-Centric: Your input matters. We value the insights and feedback of our community, which guides our efforts to refine our strategies and better serve you.

Join us in our mission to secure the cryptocurrency world, one step at a time.

coinscanner app ceo and founder

Muhammad Sheraz

CEO & Founder

Our Expert Team

muhammad Zeehsan senior mobile app developer at Coinscanner app

Muh. Zeeshan

Lead Developer

Inam Ullah

Web Developer

Asim Ullah

Senior UI Designer

Tariq Hussain

Crypto Expert & Blogger

hayat ullah andriod developer at coinscanner app

Hayat Ullah

Android Developer

Sufyan Sami

Jr Android Developer